4 Months

I’m a little late with Noah’s four-month post… but I wanted to get it in before the much-anticipated Halloween post. Any guesses what Noah will dress up as for his first Halloween?

Noah weighed in at 13 lbs 3 oz this month and 26 inches tall. He also learned a new trick… rolling over. While we think it is adorable and it assures us of his impending athletic abilities, it has not been good for his sleep.  Noah must have known I was bragging about him being a great sleeper in last month’s post and wanted to remind me that he is only four months old and there will be many more “blips” on our sleep journey. When we put him down in his crib, he rolls over and more often than not, becomes frustrated when he can’t roll himself back to his back. We’ve had a few rough nights, but are sure he will be back on track soon!

His little personality is coming out more and more. He gives me and Dave a big smile when we go into his room in the morning and as long as he is rested and full… he keeps the smiles coming throughout the day.

Another New State for Noah

We just got back from a great mini-vacation down in North Carolina.  So many firsts for Noah… first plane trip, first time in N.C., first wedding… the list goes on and on.

We headed out to Boston on Thursday afternoon to catch our direct flight to Charlotte. Before Noah, Dave and I traveled with a carry-on and laptop bag each.. for this trip we had two suitcases, a stroller, car seat, pack n play, laptop bag, purse and diaper bag. Oh my! Noah was an absolute angel the flight down. He slept in my arms, ate and was generally happy.

On Friday, we left Noah with our dear friend, Tia, while we we did a little house hunting in Charlotte. We saw lots of homes in several neighborhoods, but didn’t find “the one” yet.

Next on the agenda was heading out to Asheville to celebrate the wedding of our friends Jaymie and Brad.  It was a perfect fall weekend out there and we had a blast hanging with our friends and introducing them to Noah. He was a champ at the wedding and actually slept in his carseat while we ate dinner.   On Sunday, we enjoyed coffee with our friends before heading back to Charlotte for a quick visit with Tiff and Lauren. Monday was filled with client meetings before we headed back to the airport. Noah had another good plane ride home, a little more antsy than the first one, but nothing to complain about. We had a fabulous time in our old city, which may become our new city once again (fingers crossed!)

Who knew this adorable little person would require so much “stuff”?!

Noah thinks we should get a king size bed, just like the hotel had.

The setting for the wedding was absolutely beautiful!

Jaymie and Brad

Noah and Dave at the ceremony. Noah was the only one rocking a bib and football hat.

At the reception.

Noah seems to be hiding, but I had to include a pic of Jaymie’s beautiful dress!

Me, Emily and Laurie at the 20 something table.

Noah had his own place setting, complete with an apple butter wedding favor and champagne flute. I made sure neither were wasted!

Coffee with the new Mrs. Hooley in downtown Asheville.

Noah is all smiles meeting Tiffany!

Hartter’s in New Hampshire …

… Not just the eight of us who live here full time.  All the Hartter’s came to visit in early October to celebrate Larry’s birthday and for a mini-family reunion.  We had a great time visiting with Steve and Cynthia, meeting our new niece Adeline and seeing Mike and Angel, and of course celebrating a milestone birthday for Larry.

Uncle Steve and Cynthia hanging with Noah.

Will Noah be a 3rd generation boilermaker?  At least a boilermaker fan!

Mike, Adeline, Larry and Noah.

Levi and Jude helping Grandpa blow out his birthday candles.

We took a couple of trips to the beach while everyone was in town. Me and Ray with our beach-babies, AnaLeah and Noah.

The entire gang: With everyone in town, we took the opportunity for a big family photo. We took a ton of photos and got some really nice ones!

Noah’s hair was in full-on “crazy-mode” for the family pic!

2012 Babies: Ray, Angel and me with our little ones.

Quick Update

Noah is almost 4 months old…I can’t believe how time is flyin’ and how much he is growing and changing.  We still have two weeks until his 4 month appointment and another official weigh-in.  He still spits up a ton, but also eats for much longer and seems more satisfied/less fussy after eating, so we are hopeful that he is continuing to gain weight. Even though he’s still a little peanut next to the other kids in day care.

About two weeks ago we implemented the Sleep Sense method… basically trying to get Noah to soothe himself to sleep without us rocking, feeding or holding him until his eyes close.  The first night was rough, he cried for well over an hour, (with us going in every 5 minutes to check on him/calm him down) then the second night he cried for less than a minute! We still have some nights where he will cry for 5-10 minutes before settling down, but most nights it’s just a minute or two before he gets himself to sleep. Now he regularly sleeps 12 hours, getting up once (occasionally twice) to eat. Needless to say, we are big believers in Sleep Sense!

And now on to some pics…

Two adorable cousins, Noah and AnaLeah.

Sleepy Baby: He regularly flips himself around in the crib.

Noah loves to talk to the little boy in the mirror with the crazy hair.