5 Months

We have been enjoying some beautiful fall days here in New Hampshire as Noah continues to grow and change. It’s all going by so fast!

We are “back on track” when it comes to sleeping. But, I’m not declaring victory yet, because I know how this little guy likes to change things up on us!  He’s still getting up at night, but only once, and it’s usually between 2:30 and 4 am. Noah gives us a nice break every morning though and takes a 2-3 hour nap.

We tried solids for the first time … starting with rice cereal. Although Noah was really interested in the spoon, he was spitting a lot of it out. So I didn’t try again for two weeks, figuring he wasn’t quite ready yet.  When I tried again, I gave him some mashed sweet potatoes that I had made for Dave and me. He LOVED them. He’s been eating 2-3 tablespoons a night, thinned with a little milk.

Noah’s hair started thinning this month and I see plenty in the comb and on his crib sheet. He’s got three different bald spots, but still rocks the spike and faux-hawk.

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving next week and celebrating with family in New York!

More sweet potatoes please.

The happiest dog on the beach. Low-tide at Wallis Sands.

Another beach day. Noah bundled up in his bear outfit.

Ready to head out on a chilly day.

Greylock is still a little unsure about Noah, but Noah seems to be warming up to Greylock.


We had a great time celebrating halloween with the cutest little monkey, frog, monster and cuddly bear this year!

Cute cousins before trick-or-treating.

Noah started busting out with a full on belly laugh when I put him in his costume.