Quick Update

Noah is almost 4 months old…I can’t believe how time is flyin’ and how much he is growing and changing.  We still have two weeks until his 4 month appointment and another official weigh-in.  He still spits up a ton, but also eats for much longer and seems more satisfied/less fussy after eating, so we are hopeful that he is continuing to gain weight. Even though he’s still a little peanut next to the other kids in day care.

About two weeks ago we implemented the Sleep Sense method… basically trying to get Noah to soothe himself to sleep without us rocking, feeding or holding him until his eyes close.  The first night was rough, he cried for well over an hour, (with us going in every 5 minutes to check on him/calm him down) then the second night he cried for less than a minute! We still have some nights where he will cry for 5-10 minutes before settling down, but most nights it’s just a minute or two before he gets himself to sleep. Now he regularly sleeps 12 hours, getting up once (occasionally twice) to eat. Needless to say, we are big believers in Sleep Sense!

And now on to some pics…

Two adorable cousins, Noah and AnaLeah.

Sleepy Baby: He regularly flips himself around in the crib.

Noah loves to talk to the little boy in the mirror with the crazy hair.

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