
Last Friday was Tubes-day for Noah. After nearly a year of dealing with ear infections (6 or 7) and antibiotics we kicked off the New Year with a set of tubes and an adenoidectomy for Noah. The doc assured us that all went well and it was likely the adenoids that were causing most of his problems… they were inflamed and preventing fluid from draining. He also commented that even though Noah has been on antibiotics for 30 days, there was a lot of thick fluid built up behind the ear drum, which was surely hindering his hearing.

He did great and I’m sure if he could provide one piece of feedback on the event it would be, “Don’t ever make me skip breakfast again.” After a big lunch and a nap, he was nearly back to his old self. Here’s hoping those tubes stay in place and do their job for the next year!

2014-01-03 08.18.00

Pre-op: Just hanging out in the baby hospital gown.

2014-01-03 10.21.09

Post-op: Feed me!