Hartter’s in New Hampshire …

… Not just the eight of us who live here full time.  All the Hartter’s came to visit in early October to celebrate Larry’s birthday and for a mini-family reunion.  We had a great time visiting with Steve and Cynthia, meeting our new niece Adeline and seeing Mike and Angel, and of course celebrating a milestone birthday for Larry.

Uncle Steve and Cynthia hanging with Noah.

Will Noah be a 3rd generation boilermaker?  At least a boilermaker fan!

Mike, Adeline, Larry and Noah.

Levi and Jude helping Grandpa blow out his birthday candles.

We took a couple of trips to the beach while everyone was in town. Me and Ray with our beach-babies, AnaLeah and Noah.

The entire gang: With everyone in town, we took the opportunity for a big family photo. We took a ton of photos and got some really nice ones!

Noah’s hair was in full-on “crazy-mode” for the family pic!

2012 Babies: Ray, Angel and me with our little ones.

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