Showered with Love

Baby H is already very blessed to have so many friends and family who love him or her. Dave and I hopped around the east coast and midwest for three beautiful showers in honor of our little one this spring. Thanks to the generosity of our friends and family, baby H is entering a world of adorable outfits and other baby essentials!

First stop Michigan! Dave rocks the Ergo baby carrier.

Larry, Angel, Dave, Me and Ruth

Just a portion of the group at my NY shower/ St. Patrick’s Day celebration/kick-off to March madness party!

Rum cake from Villa Italia in NY. I definitely helped myself to several pieces!

On to Huntersville, NC to celebrate with the ladies of North Carolina. Tiff and Lauren pulled out all the stops and as usual were the hostesses-with-the-mostesses!


Yep, I’m about to be a MOM, but Dave had something else in mind… The Mountains of Misery (MoM). Just 103 short miles of a super hilly bike ride through beautiful southwest Virginia. On an 85 degree day no less.  I drove (and walked about 100 yards, phew, I was beat!) to the finish line to cheer him on the last 15 feet.

Decked out in head to toe spandex and just a few feet from the finish line!

Precious Cargo

At 37 weeks, I still can’t believe the arrival of our little one is just around the corner.  I get a laugh out of looking back at my self portraits on my iPhone.  Since most of our family and friends live far away, I was keeping some of them up to date on my growing bump on a semi-regular basis.  A quick look back…hopefully it doesn’t take 40 weeks to return to my original size! 🙂

4 weeks along with my mom at the Miami vs. VT game. I didn’t even know yet!

12 weeks at the ACC Championship Game. We we finally able to share the news with our friends. Standing outside at an all you can eat (BBQ) and drink (beer) tailgate event may not have been the best choice for tailgaiting, but I sipped my Sprite and had a great day… until the Hokies lost.

Just past 15 weeks at baby’s first Purdue game… I notice I am wearing a belt…. wow, that really was a long time ago!

16 weeks on New Year’s Eve. Another night of Sprites! And some fries and a McDonald’s apple pie to ring in the new year.

About 23 weeks.

27-ish Weeks

OMG- Where did that belly come from?! 34 weeks.

Dave snapped this pic of me at 36 weeks. We were laughing at the shadow I was casting.

Graduation Day

Earlier this month we celebrated Dave’s graduation from Virginia Tech (Go Hokies!). He now has a master’s degree in environmental economics… just have to finish the thesis, find a job and become a father in the next couple of months!

Our little family. It was humid that day and I was feeling every bit of my 8 months pregnant!

Ruth and Larry joined us to celebrate. This pic is just outside of Lane Stadium where we’ve enjoyed many VT victories over the last two seasons!

First Pictures

We have been fortunate enough to get a few glimpses of “Baby H” on the inside.  He or she certainly looks cozy in there. It’s been fun keeping the sex a surprise…we both agree that it will make his or her birthday even more special, if that’s possible!

Baby H at 19 weeks…. already cute as a button!

Our doctor treated us to a 4D ultrasound at 28 weeks. Baby H cooperated just long enough for us to get a few glimpses of his or her face.