Combo Update (Months 6-9)

IMG_4847I’m so late with Grace’s 6, 7 and 8 month update that I’ve combined them into one glorious 9-month update.

Grace weighed in at 18 lbs.,  at her 6 month appointment and then 19 pounds at her 9 month update. Her growth is slowing down as she has become super active. She’s still got those cheeks though! She doesn’t crawl yet, but she can spin herself in a circle and roll over and over and over to get across the room, especially if there is one of Noah’s toys that she is after.

Just after turing 6 months she had her first taste of pureed food. So far, she enjoys most things, but at the top of her list are sweet potatoes, pear, peas, applesauce, black beans and puffs… sista loves some puffs!

Grace also popped her first two teeth just after her 6 month birthday. Her two bottom teeth came in the same week and she had a rough few days, but even on a rough day, Grace is still a pretty easy baby. She just wanted to be held or carried in the baby bjorn and chewing on toys constantly.

With Noah in pre-school Grace’s immune system is getting plenty of practice; she has fought off several colds like a champ, but needed some medicine to kick a nasty croup out of her system. Dave got to go to San Francisco for work and sleep in a king-sized bed by himself during the teething and part of the croup fiasco. Lucky him! 🙂

Noah and Grace are becoming even more like buddies these days. Grace loves to observe Noah and cracks up at his antics, I mean he is pretty funny; I’m pretty sure Noah is Grace’s favorite person. So far the feelings go both ways, after Noah’s afternoon nap he regularly asks to play with Grace or asks for her to lay in bed with him. Nearly every day Noah asks, “Can Grace play with cars?” Sorry Noah, they are still too small for her! Dave and I love seeing the spontaneous hugs he gives her and their little friendship forming… Now that he doesn’t hit her anymore. 🙂

We can’t wait to celebrate Christmas next week with these two best buds. Check out our for the latest pics!