The Ultimate Catch-Up Post

As you can see, the blog got away from me at the end of the year. We juggled a very busy toddler, a few weeks of morning/all-day sickness, and my work level being back up to pre-Noah levels…but all the activity left little room for blogging. I absolutely love looking back at the blog and reading about Noah’s milestones and our family adventures, so hopefully I can be better about regular updates in 2014.

So what have we been up to since August?

  • Noah’s going to be a big brother! Baby H #2 is due March 28. Due to some of the complications I had with Noah and him being delivered via C-section, we are hoping to plan this C-section for the week of March 21. I’m convinced it will be another boy, Dave is thinking girl. Early on I had about three weeks of wicked “morning” sickness that lasted all day, but since then I’ve been feeling pretty good.

    Baby H #2 at 18 weeks.

    Baby H #2 at 18 weeks.

  • We took a mini-vacation to our favorite beach town, Charleston. Noah had a great time exploring the sand and waves, and in the evenings we enjoyed our favorite southern foods in Charleston… all before being back to our hotel by 7:30 for bedtime. Vacationing with kids just isn’t the same. 🙂
    Dave and Noah at Folly beach.

    Dave and Noah at Folly beach.

    Noah and me checking out the waves.

    Noah and me checking out the waves.

  • Both sets of Grandparents visited Charlotte in October. We had a great time showing them around our new neighborhood and they had a great time keeping up with Noah and his trips to the park, Discovery Place, Nature Museum, another park, Cabo Fish Taco, etc.

    Steve and Cynthia with Noah at our house.

    Steve and Cynthia with Noah at our house.


    I think I finally gave Noah's hair a little trim shortly after seeing this photo.

    I think I finally gave Noah’s hair a little trim shortly after seeing this photo.

    A park that we like to go to in uptown Charlotte. Beautiful city views.

    A park that we like to go to in uptown Charlotte. Beautiful city views.


    Noah learns to give his bear a hug.

    Noah learns to give his bear a hug.

    We dressed him for Oktoberfest instead of Halloween.

    We dressed him for Oktoberfest instead of Halloween.


  • We flew up to NY twice. First for my Grandma’s funeral and then for Thanksgiving. Both were great visits, although the occasion was sad for our first visit. It was wonderful to spend time with family and celebrate my Grandma’s 98 years!

    Love this one of my Grandma, me, my mom and Noah when he was about 6 weeks old.

    Love this one of my Grandma, me, my mom and Noah when he was about 6 weeks old.

  • Dave and I learned the secret to successful flying with Noah is bringing enough food for the entire plane. After the first flight, I learned my lesson. And for the next three, Noah ate no less than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, travel containers of cheese cubes and grapes (cut in 1/8ths, just like he likes them), a ridiculous amount of cheddar bunnies, an entire packet of yogurt melts, a muffin and 1-2 apple sauce packets … on each flight.   I had a near panic moment on the last flight when we were out of yogurt melts with 15 minutes left to go.
  • The travel was the start of Noah’s ear infections again. Poor kid just isn’t the same when he is battling fluid in the ears and infections. We’ve been on 30 days of antibiotics to kick it out of his system and he’s taking after his Uncles Danny and Michael and getting tubes Jan. 3. We couldn’t be happier to be moving in this direction with a doctor we really trust. See ya later ear infections, don’t come back!
  • We had a great time celebrating Noah’s second Christmas at home. Even though I displayed his presents underneath the tree… he blew right past them on Christmas morning and grabbed my Tums off the coffee table. He started shaking them and dancing like it was an instrument. No more toys for Noah… just Tums!
    Swimming on Christmas eve morning.

    Swimming on Christmas eve morning.


    Practicing his climbing skills a few days before Christmas.

  • IMG_3432
    Dave and Noah in their Christmas jammies.

    Dave and Noah in their Christmas jammies.


    All four of us. The little Hartter is about 27 weeks along here.

Happy New Year to all of our friends and family. We miss living near our families but really love our community here in Charlotte. Come visit anytime… It’s been in the low 50’s most of December! 🙂