Happy Half Birthday!

Slide1I can’t believe we are halfway to Noah’s first birthday! We had a busy month… traveling to NY for Thanksgiving (and Christmas), along with a couple of colds for all three of us, plus a surgery for Greylock.

Noah is starting to sleep from 7ish pm to 7ish am on a more consistent basis. Due to a cold  (and maybe teething) we had a few rough nights mixed in there, but overall we are all enjoying the extra sleep! He’s down to two naps a day, but I’ve gladly given up the third nap in exchange for the extra sleep at night. We also feel like we’ve turned a corner on the whole spit-up issue. Again, we have some rough patches every once in awhile, but we went a whole four days at my parents house without anyone getting spit-up on. I think that’s a record!

Noah’s been trying new foods in addition to his first and favorite food, sweet potatoes. He eats up bananas, avocado and pears as well. Tonight we’re trying something a lot less fun… peas. He’s been having a lot of fun playing with toys, especially teething rings, bouncing in the jumperoo, snuggling up with blankets (or clean spit-up cloths), and listening to his favorite books. He’s all smiles and brightens all of our days!

Earlier this month Greylock had to have surgery on one of his elbows. He had a large, concerning tumor that needed to be removed. Luckily it turned out to be benign. Even though he pretty much ignores Noah, we’re glad that they have plenty of time left to warm up to each other!


Greylock really hates wearing the “cone”… so to keep him from licking his stitches, Dave let him borrow a long sleeve t-shirt for a few days. He looked pretty hilarious sporting a Purdue shirt. Boiler up!

5 Months

We have been enjoying some beautiful fall days here in New Hampshire as Noah continues to grow and change. It’s all going by so fast!

We are “back on track” when it comes to sleeping. But, I’m not declaring victory yet, because I know how this little guy likes to change things up on us!  He’s still getting up at night, but only once, and it’s usually between 2:30 and 4 am. Noah gives us a nice break every morning though and takes a 2-3 hour nap.

We tried solids for the first time … starting with rice cereal. Although Noah was really interested in the spoon, he was spitting a lot of it out. So I didn’t try again for two weeks, figuring he wasn’t quite ready yet.  When I tried again, I gave him some mashed sweet potatoes that I had made for Dave and me. He LOVED them. He’s been eating 2-3 tablespoons a night, thinned with a little milk.

Noah’s hair started thinning this month and I see plenty in the comb and on his crib sheet. He’s got three different bald spots, but still rocks the spike and faux-hawk.

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving next week and celebrating with family in New York!

More sweet potatoes please.

The happiest dog on the beach. Low-tide at Wallis Sands.

Another beach day. Noah bundled up in his bear outfit.

Ready to head out on a chilly day.

Greylock is still a little unsure about Noah, but Noah seems to be warming up to Greylock.

4 Months

I’m a little late with Noah’s four-month post… but I wanted to get it in before the much-anticipated Halloween post. Any guesses what Noah will dress up as for his first Halloween?

Noah weighed in at 13 lbs 3 oz this month and 26 inches tall. He also learned a new trick… rolling over. While we think it is adorable and it assures us of his impending athletic abilities, it has not been good for his sleep.  Noah must have known I was bragging about him being a great sleeper in last month’s post and wanted to remind me that he is only four months old and there will be many more “blips” on our sleep journey. When we put him down in his crib, he rolls over and more often than not, becomes frustrated when he can’t roll himself back to his back. We’ve had a few rough nights, but are sure he will be back on track soon!

His little personality is coming out more and more. He gives me and Dave a big smile when we go into his room in the morning and as long as he is rested and full… he keeps the smiles coming throughout the day.

Three Months Old!

Noah just hit his 3 month birthday on September 15.  He is such a happy baby and we have so much fun as a family of three with Greylock in tow.

This month Noah comes in at 24.5 inches and 11 pounds 3 ounces.  He is actually down an ounce from last month, but we were on a little roller coaster of losing and gaining weight the past week, so we are happy that he is almost up to his previous weight and hope/think/pray that he continues to gain weight.  He’s a bit of a skinny baby, so we are adding formula to his diet in the hopes of him becoming a little chubbier.  Luckily he is happy, healthy and well-hydrated… we just need to make sure he keeps packing on the pounds (or ounces!)

Noah’s monthly picture with Jules his other Bernese Mountain Dog.

This month he started sleeping through the night, but with his weight loss, the doc suggested we started waking him up for extra feedings. Kind of a bummer for us, but it’s a lot easier than the newborn days when it would take him more than an hour to get back to sleep.  He eats, burps, and sticks his thumb in his mouth and back to sleep it is!  He’s using the pacifier less and less these days now that he has realized he has two permanent pacifiers in his thumbs!

Noah also started daycare this month. He goes three days a week while I get back to work. The first few days were tough for both of us, but he is doing great there and we love the extra attention he gets from his teachers.

Stay tuned for more adventures and thrilling updates on gaining weight! I know our readers on are on the edge of their seats! 🙂

Too Cute @ Two Months

Noah had his two-month well-child appointment yesterday. It was confirmed that he is healthy, strong and too cute! The nurse and doctor loved Noah’s hair… as do many strangers on our trips to the grocery store and around town. We get many comments and complements about Noah’s hair…These New Englanders are giving southerners a run for their money in the friendliness department.  Although, we are missing the “y’alls” and I’m not too excited about all the Red Sox and Patriots gear I’m seeing these days!

Noah weighed in at 11 lbs. 4 oz. and 23 inches. Right at the 50th percentile in both categories… although the “super-precise” method of marking his head and foot on the exam table and measuring between the lines, showed that he hadn’t gotten any longer in a month. We know otherwise, as he’s been busting out of his footie PJs.

Two Months: Noah and “mini-Greylock”

Noah has been sleeping 6 solid hours for us most nights… Dave and I appreciate it…Thanks little guy! He prefers to be sitting up a bit or reclining, rather than flat on the crib mattress. One of these days he will appreciate the crib! We are still dealing with what seems to be a lot of spit up but the doctor doesn’t seem to be worried one bit and he’s gaining weight. So we will just keep up with the laundry! 🙂

1 Month Old!

Noah had his 1-month check-up today. He’s come a long way since the 3 day old who wasn’t eating well and was losing weight.  Noah clocked in at 10 lbs (60th percentile) and 23 inches (98th percentile… definitely shaping up to be the tallest member of our family) and off the charts on cuteness. Besides some minor reflux, which is resulting in a fair amount of spit up and a ton of laundry, Noah got a clean bill of health.

During the past week he has grown out of newborn cloths and fits nicely in 0-3 month clothes… especially those adorable baby GAP onesies that I can’t resist. We are also working on transitioning him from sleeping in the car seat (gasp!) to sleeping in his pack n play. He must feel really cozy and relaxed in the car seat though, because it is still the go-to-spot to ensure extra sleep for all of us.


A little smirk from Noah.


Waiting for the weigh-in at the pediatrician.

“Oh, jeez I hate when this happens.”